Do not disclose any vendor quote to other bidders without that firm’s permission or unless required by law. You are given a quote by a company that trusts that you will keep their bid submission private. The bid was designed for your firm for this specific quote and not to be shared. This may or may not be written as part of the bid package but regardless, as standard good business practice, do not give it out.
Train your employees to keep vendors’ data private. Teach your employees to maintain the privacy of all of your vendors’ submissions and their attached paperwork. In some instances, governmental bids require full disclosure where this rule does not apply, but those vendors accept those requirements up front before bidding so this advice is not applicable for public bidding.
Announce your policy to all of your vendors. Assume nothing and state your procedures publicly. Retain the honesty you have with your vendors and keep their submissions private, as you would want them to do with your bids. You want their participation in the future so treat them respectfully.
You owe this company privacy. The bidder spent time and money to prepare this quote. Keep it private unless the law requires all bids are to be made public. You do not want your bids passed around or reaching the eye of your other customers so follow this advice.