IDEA: Do not waste time worrying over lost bids – learn why you lost and get busy – whine less – bid more.

You will never win everything you bid. For every job you want, go out and bid three more. Do not waste time regretting a lost bid. Losing bids teaches you valuable information about the market if you are smart enough to ask questions after being told of the loss. The first thing you want to do is find out who won the bid, what was the winning dollar amount, what was the determination to pick the winner and what did your firm do wrong if anything. Ask the buyer these questions immediately afterwards and determine your strategy going forward.  Instead of complaining and whining, spend that time now looking for more bidding opportunities and preparing your next bid. Always make sure to go back to all of the places where you lost bids and ask permission to bid again to those buyers on their upcoming projects.  Some buyers will be happy to give you a shot because of your tenacity.  Whine less and bid more.