IDEA: Do your customers know you are profitable? If not, solidify your position and tell them.
When your customers know you as their vendor are making money, they do not have to worry about your continued ability to supply them parts, products or services without interruption. You do not want them to look elsewhere so keep them informed and content. Instruct this good financial news to come from your sales people who will reassure customers’ buyers about the financial health of your company. Prepare a brief document to tell employees, give to your consultants who represent you, hand out to your sales staff (inside and outside) and others that your firm is healthy, growing and financially stable. Give your customers your D&B number (Dun & Bradstreet) if applicable. Give them bank information and your loan officer’s name and telephone number to contact. Talk to bankers to make sure they feel like they can honestly say that the bank likes working with your company and more than satisfied with your profitability level. You want to make everyone you come in contact with comfortable about your ongoing existence.