GPI 099 – Happily pay your customer if they want their open credit, unless you want to risk future sales from them.

If you tell a customer that you owe them a credit and they ask for payment, pay them if there are no outstanding invoices due to you.  Sometimes credits are issued after payment is made.  Customers call their vendors and then find out the vendors mistakenly try to force the customer to order something else versus cutting a check.  This is a very big mistake and is very short-sighted.

Give the customer his refund and do it smiling.  When there are no outstanding invoices due and the customer asks for a refund, happily issue a check to that a customer for unused receivable credits.  When asked, cut the check the same day and get it in the mail immediately.  After doing this, call and tell the customer they have been paid and to expect your check very shortly.  Show them respect and that you are to be completely trusted to operate openly and honestly.  You want to be considered for their next order so act like it.

Offer to use their credit with a new order if they wish.  Before cutting a check to clear the account when a customer has only a credit balance remaining, you might try to get your sales person to call and encourage them to place an order so they may take the open credit.  Tell your sales person to give the customer the option of placing another order or taking the check.  If they are not interested in placing any more orders, call them and tell them you are issuing them a check.

Surprise your customer with your honesty.  Another reason for calling customers about open credits is that they will be shocked by your honesty.  You owe them money they may not know they have due to them.  You want them for an ongoing customer so show them respect and treat them you would want your company to be treated.  Pay them.

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