GPI 151 – When you have screwed up, send the big guns in to beg forgiveness.

When you have screwed up with customers, do not be pompous.  When your firm is in trouble and you value a customer, you will do just about anything to retain the guy’s business.  That should include sending in the big gun to beg forgiveness, on his knees if necessary.  If your firm has really screwed up badly, somebody high up in your organization must show up in the customer’s office, hang their head humbly and ask for forgiveness in order to keep the account.  They must do this quickly and do it at the convenience of the customer.

Someone must be genuinely humble and own up to your firm’s mistake.   Maybe the sales manager over the department might make the visit, telephone call or send some questions out to the buyer for his personal reply.  Try one or more of these questions or your own versions of them to show the customer your firm wants his business and regrets the error.  Remember though, the best response when your company is in trouble is show up in person and look your customer in the eye and tell them you screwed up, that you take responsibility, and that you will do what it takes to correct the issue (if he will allow you to do so).

Questions your upper management should ask the customer after a major screw-up:

  • What went wrong? — Let the customer talk:  Mr.  Buyer, did my company give you a satisfactory response concerning the problem shipment that occurred (fill in the date)?  If we did not, tell me what my company did wrong and what do you want to happen to correct this error?  If you tell me, I will personally see to it that we do whatever we can to resolve this issue to your satisfaction.
  • What do we need to do?  Mr. Buyer, what does my company need to do to correct this problem going forward?  Describe any suggested change in procedure you feel would solve the problem.
  • Who screwed up on our end?  Mr. Buyer, tell me who, within my company, you ran into problems getting this issue resolved and I will see to it that the procedure and the group involved are corrected.  If they need training, they will get it.  If they need replacement, we will do that.  You tell me what you need to have happen in my firm.
  • Do you want a different person to help you?  Mr. Buyer, if you wish to be serviced by a different sales representative, we can have that changed immediately.  Let me know if this is the issue.  Tell me honestly if this is part of the problem because you must feel you are being taken care of properly or we are not doing our job.
  • What can we do to make you happy?  Mr. Buyer, what do I need to do to restore your confidence in our firm?  Tell me what you need me to do and I will do the best I can to try to resolve this problem starting today when I return to the office.
  • What else has gone wrong that we did not discuss?  Mr. Buyer, tell us any other current unresolved problems that you feel we need to fix.  What other issues have not been addressed already?