GPI 237 – Put your firm’s QRC (Quick Response Code) on business cards to distribute.
Code your business cards with a QR code so they point the customer immediately to your website and maybe a slideshow of different products or services that your firm makes or offers. The path might be altered in such a way that it can go to a webpage that features the sales person and their accomplishments within the firm or directs the observer to something specific to the inquiry.
Reward the scanner or he won’t return. No matter what, make sure to reward the scanner who takes the time to visit your website and listen to your advertising. Reward the scanner – make it worth going to your website; have a type of reward available to the viewer who took the time out to scan your code and call it in on their telephone. Offer discount coupons, company giveaways or maybe a special monthly giveaway contest that educates the potential buyer. Add humor or something entertaining while teaching him about your program while simultaneously making him smile.