In stores where there are lots of people waiting in line to check out, why not offer shoppers who wish to pay, the opportunity to take a number and resume shopping until they are called by the cashier to come and check out. Your store could post the current number being served if you wish, on an electronic sign high above so all can see, regardless of where they are standing.
Your customers must wait so why not allow them to continue doing something they prefer, like shopping, until their number is called? If not all cashier lanes can be converted, start with one. If no one took a number, take the next person standing in line. The numbering system works more efficiently when your firm is experiencing high volumes.
Whatever you decide, do something to eliminate the boring aspect of waiting in line to make a purchase. Change the experience, rethink the checkout line, eliminate the wait or keep the customer busy or occupied while waiting patiently to increase your sales. You do not want them to dread coming to your store. A customer is not spending money standing in line.