You may have vendors that not only sell to businesses such as yours but to the public such as your employees. Approach them and ask if they have any special offers to be given to your employees. Tell them if the deals are good for your employees, you will allow them to put advertising in the weekly payroll check.
This could be the auto dealers where you buy company cars or the mechanic who repairs your sales vehicles. This offering could be from the company landscaping firm which takes care of your company’s facilities. It could include the guys who cut the grass or the people who clean your offices who also like to clean residences. All of these businesses would like more work from your employees so give it to them.
These savings will be seen as added benefits by your employees and it will provoke more business with your vendor, something to bring up when you discuss price cuts.
Approach your vendors and ask if they would offer discount coupons to include in your weekly checks, discount vouchers for two for one specials, restaurant specials which want weekly business from your employees across the street or any vendor that crosses over between businesses and the public. Regard any of these as a benefit for your employees and advertise them as such.