GPI 310 – Does your receiving department have an established priority list for unloading incoming trucks?

Not all incoming deliveries to your facility are equal.  Some of the trucks that arrive in the receiving dock are from vendors who want to sell goods and services to your firm and are willing to do what it takes to keep your business. If they must wait a little, they do it.  Other trucks are delivering returns from your customers who are upset and rejected the lousy nonconforming products you sent to them.  Thus, if you treat all incoming receipts equally, your receiving personnel will treat all loads the same to the detriment of your company.

Continued poor treatment of customers:   This does not make the customer who is upset with you feel better when you make his truck wait to unload bad product you screwed up and sent to him. Hopefully your receiving personnel do not tell every truck driver, “We will unload you when we get to you. Sit tight. Relax. You are going to be her awhile so just hold on.” Do this to absolutely convince him never to give you another chance.

Set priorities for your receiving department:   Prioritize your receiving department as well as your shipping personnel.  Shipping personnel pay attention to customers.  Receiving personnel should do all they can to unload rejected stock first.  The customer is already upset and is angry that he must wait now for a late shipment from you.   You are lucky if he is still angry and has not left for another vendor.  Do not make him wait when he brings back return goods.


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