GPI 332 – Keep all spare company vehicle keys secured in the office and change them out periodically.
Your firm has a number of vehicles out on the road, out of state, in town, parked at truck stops, delivering to customers’ facilities, stopping for gas or parked at night in streets and alleyways of your drivers. Someone at some time is going to lose his key to his assigned vehicle. Do not allow the driver to keep the only other key for his vehicle.
Dispatcher keeps all spare keys in the office. Keep the spare in your dispatcher’s office and make sure the batteries in all of them are good.
Change out keys to ensure batteries are good. Every few months, require the drivers to exchange their current key for the charged one in your office. It is costly and unnecessary to call the dealership.
Teach the driver valuable lessons. Requiring the driver to call you is a good idea since it will embarrass him and make him remember to keep track of the key in the future. You might even have an incentive program.
Offer drivers a key incentive program if you wish. Give him $50 a year to keep track of his keys. Deduct $50 when he loses his assigned key. This is a small thing but can avoid unnecessary costs if the spares are kept by the dispatcher.