Issue an overtime report (OT) everyday explaining which employee worked the most hours for that previous day? You might ask about the top five or top ten people if you wish (you decide on the selection). Just start the process and find out why someone worked 12, 14 0r 16 hours yesterday. Question what caused the overtime, what delay happened, who else did not do their job on time and was it authorized before the employee worked those hours? What caused the problem to occur and why was a decision made to work overtime versus waiting until the next day? Could the work been done the following day and why not? You must ask these questions to understand your supervisors’ rationalization for their approval and if they need further training or assistance. If they are not trained correctly, management is the problem, not the supervisors. Check their rationalization and give them guidance when to authorize and when to wait. You do not need to study and question OT for very long to find out the other related problems you have that cause this extra cost to incur.