IDEA: List all buyers’ information on all sales reports and customer lists. Make it easy to call them.

Make it easy to find the buyer’s name and telephone number on any sales report:
List all buyers’ names and telephone numbers next to all customer names on ALL your internal sales and profitability reports, if nothing more than to help the sales representatives. You should not have to search for the decision maker who phones in sales orders to your firm or has a question about ordering from you.  Everyone in sales should know all the assigned customer buyers’ names on the day a particular salesperson leaves. You must make it an easy transition for the next guy to step in and satisfy the customer.  Make it easy to pick up a sales report, see a dip in sales and immediately dial the phone number of the buyer for the account to find out what went wrong or find out you may have missed his order.

Setup buyers when you setup new customers:
When you set up new customers, make it mandatory to get the buyer’s contact information to add to your system before any new order is placed.

Consider printing the buyer’s name on your company’s invoices:

Many companies print the buyer’s name on their invoices to identify who placed the PO and triggered this shipment.  Make contacting the customer easy for every sales representative in your firm.

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