IDEA: Instruct your sales reps to offer cost savings advice for free to customers.
Provide the ability for your sales personnel to offer cost savings to your potential clients where your firm sees savings that the customer did not see the opportunity.
- insurance broker can offer multiple ways to save on insurance expense/exposure through bundling
- you buy material in greater quantities than your customer can so you can bring him a cost savings if you both combine orders
- suggest less expensive methods to maintain machinery and equipment (liquids, parts, service contracts),
- the tax firm can tell its clients what they might want to do BEFORE yearend in order to save on taxes,
- the auditing firm can offer earlier audit procedures than normal at cheaper rates (before the busy season starts),
- the carpet cleaning company can suggest to the home owner certain applications or sprays which help detract dirt and dirt buildup,
- the AC/heating service tech can suggest simple methods the homeowner can save on electricity and keep the equipment in good shape all seasons of the year.