IDEA: Put likable people in front of customers. They satisfy customers, are trustworthy and are rare.

When you find likable, personable and hardworking employees, put them in front of your customers. Likable people are difficult to find. Many employees are not sociable enough to handle customer complaints and do not willingly invite comments. You want your customer service personnel and salespeople to be likable and easy to deal with, even with the most difficult situations.  That requires a special type of person who when you find them should be hired.

Customers’ buyers like to place orders with people who are friendly, easy to speak to, always helpful regardless of the situation and particularly those individuals who go out of their way to accommodate every customer whim. Customers do not care about titles when dealing with your employees. They want the friendly ones. If your customer’s service representative provides good reliable customer service, most buyers regardless of the size of the order will ask again for that inside sales representative to do business with. Give your best and most friendly people to them to talk to.