Call the customer to make sure he is satisfied. Is he happy? No complaint comes off the report until the customer is contacted and says it is resolved. Not every customer will be 100% content. There will be some customers that the company must ignore and write off to experience because their demands will always be excessive.
Have the sales representative call to end the drama. The person who calls will be trained to ensure that the company followed and met its obligations. Most of the time this person should be the assigned sales representative. That person needs to be seen as the guy that can get all things done and performed without exception most of the time for the benefit of the customer. Why? This will be the guy that reminds the customer of all of the things your firm has done just before announcing selective necessary price increases. This will be the exact time when your sales person carries the most weight in the eyes of your customer so take advantage of it and do not waste the follow-up opportunity on a lower level clerk who has no understanding of what is at stake for your firm.