IDEA: Line up sales $ by rep; help / teach unproductive sales personnel or cut/replace them.

Line up your sales weekly and see whose sales are the lowest or non-existent.

Review what the low-producing representatives are doing wrong  and try the following: 

  • Identify the lowest producing representatives per your sales
  • Have the sales manager accompany him on a couple of sales calls to evaluate how he interacts with customers or how he does not.
  • Evaluate his cold calls on the telephone and give him a helpful critique and improvement suggestions.
  • Rehearse with him, (salesman, customer  role playing) and evaluate what he is missing in the delivery or how he is not convincing or likeable.
  • Help him review and learn all of the specifics of the company literature, pricing structures, service commitments, etc. for a new customer.
  • Evaluate his written emails responding to customers and provide positive constructive feedback.
  • Ask customers if they are getting everything they need from your new sales rep. (you are helping and want the best for the customer).
  • Evaluate his ability to handle a list of things he must do in order to follow, track and win sales orders for the company.
  • When he fails after a period of time (you decide how long), begin looking for and interviewing replacements.
  • Hire one or two new sales personnel and get them hired.
  • Terminate the failing representative if he is not improving AFTER you have hired more sales representatives.

Who are these lowest producing sales personnel?  Find out what they are doing wrong, attempt to help them and give them what they need and when all efforts fail, do not hesitate to replace them.

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